Jewels from the Jeep...Inspiration for the Road You're Traveling Podcast Artwork Image

Jewels from the Jeep...Inspiration for the Road You're Traveling

Terri Simmons

Terri Simmons is a former News Anchor and current Wellness Coach/Talk Show Host, who grew up in a small East Texas town. She was living in Los Angeles and took a leap of faith one November morning. She donated most of her belongings, kept what would fit in her Jeep and followed her heart. She started driving toward Colorado, and opened the door to adventure. Over a period of about 5 years and driving 285,000 miles, Terri became known as "GoTerriGo" and made friends with hundreds of people all across the U.S., in Costa Rica, Croatia, Papua New Guinea, and along the way back home again. She's learned how to turn struggles and challenges into opportunities, and now she's sharing her methods and observations through humor and authenticity with short, sassy episodes she calls "Jewels from the Jeep" because it's those quiet moments in the Jeep, driving from place to place sometimes for 16 to 18 hours a day with no permanent address or job to speak of. She paid attention and listened to what Life was showing her, knowing everything is always working out for us no matter what. Enjoy! 
